About Geraldine

I love the magic of connection. The more connected we are with ourselves, with others and the world around us, the more we see that we’re not alone. Connection starts with curiosity. 

I was not so much “called” into coaching, as I was led to it through a series of events while crossing paths and connecting with so many amazing people who taught me how to be more curious about myself, other people and life. Looking back now, it was inevitable that I became a coach because I began to really trust my intuition, and once that spark ignited, that was it. I just knew.

As a coach, I am a change catalyst. My clients are women from all aspects of work and life, who crave to be more of who they already are. I am a collector of questions, a cultivator of curiosity, a fervent believer in possibility, and an ally of choice. 

I have a wildly meandering educational and career path that includes hairstylist, dental office manager, carpenter, radio and television broadcaster, arts administrator, entrepreneur, sponsorship and fund development manager. I’m deeply appreciative for each of these experiences and the depth of perspective they’ve given me. 

My coaching journey began after I was coached by two wonderful executive coaches over the course of 18 months. The experience was nothing short of transformative and my supervisor at the time noticed that too. As I began to unlearn fear-based thinking, observe and reframe my own thoughts, and trust myself - I began to see the range of possibility that exists between the absolutes of yes/no, right/wrong, us/them, etc.  I paid much closer attention to my internal dialogue that was often defeating, judgemental and perfectionistic. I began to filter through the noise of my own assumptions and expectations of who I “should” be - to discover my own wants, desires, callings, capabilities, uniqueness and intuition.

Years later, after many conversations with women-friends, clients, colleagues-it’s fascinating to see how similar we all are and what’s more, we’re not the alone. We each have an inherent glorious fullness that we struggle to recognize, step into and own about ourselves. Every time a woman connects more deeply to her intuition and with who she really is, releasing the things that don’t and won’t define her - it gives permission to the women around her to do the same. This is where the gold is - this is the work I love to do, because I’m doing it too. 

Geraldine smiling


Geraldine’s 25+ years’ experience in the private and non-profit sectors as a business owner, a leader and proactive team member in several high-profile organizations, helps her empower individuals and organizations to embrace possibility. In addition to her own practice, GDB Coaching + Consulting, her work is augmented as an associate coach with Steph Jagger’s Great Big Journey and with Padraig Coaching & Consulting.